
@ connecting services + shelter for the housing insecure

FwdSlash, featuring Sameer Sood | Winner in the ESG Category

FwdSlash believes that housing is a health issue. They work with healthcare and community stakeholders to provide a more comprehensive solution for people who are housing insecure–access to a good place to live, social services, and healthcare support. FwdSlash acquires housing units with HUD credits and works with local agencies to provide the services these people desperately need. In the end, this greatly reduces the burden on healthcare systems and gives people a chance at a better life. Kudos to a doctor for coming up with a brilliant idea for preventative care.

FwdSlash is, admittedly, a little out of our scope. At the Alliance, we’re looking at how ESG can enable greater business resilience in production homebuilding and development companies that deliver market-rate housing. We want to enable housing that’s more affordable—not affordable housing. But this was too good—and important—of an idea to pass up.